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Femke I'm not sure where to start!

From before we started my coaching I had a gut feeling that you could help me. I trusted you through the process!

It wasn't always easy for me, as I was confronted with some of my flaws. The absence of judgement throughout our coaching, made me want to open up more and learn more from you. The safe environment you created, allowed me to create a safe environment in my head and home. I was able to deal with my flaws and unhealthy habits as I had the will to improve myself.

I thank you so much for everything you've taught me and for pushing me to become a better version of myself!

Fleur, The Netherlands

Since I started my coaching sessions with Femke


I feel more energetic, 

I have a positive mindset,

I lost 5 cm tummy-fat in 3 weeks,

I sleep much better,

I don't feel bloated anymore,

I have much more structure in my life

And I feel proud of myself 


I learned so much about good foods, a new daily routine and how to look after my body and mind 

Elvira, Germany

After waiting for the right moment (there never was, so I just went for it) I decided to start in October with the 6 weeks reset programme. 

The reason: To see if I would feel less bloated, more energetic, tighter in my skin.

And it worked! 

The first few weeks were hard. Not because I felt hungry, but to change my way of doing groceries and choosing recipes, combining this with cooking for the rest of the family.

Thanks to Femke's suggestions and her moral support, it slowly became easier. 

Now my eating pattern has changed, my skin feels tighter and I lost a couple of pounds as well. 

Thanks Femke for your ongoing support!

Hilda, The Netherlands

From the age of 15, I struggled with weight issues. Like most young girls, I was unsure of my weight and was confirmed in it. As a result, I developed an eating disorder and a disturbed relationship with food. Love-hate. I overcame my eating disorder, although it remained dormant in the background.  I continued to go on all kinds of diets, did a lot of sport and had periods in which I let myself go. I couldn't give up sugar.  I came into contact with Femke, I was done with the constant fight within me. One of the first things I said to Femke was: I am a sugar addict, does this make sense? Femke said that where there is a will, there is a way. We started with a detox on 15 February. A month later I started the 6 weeks reset programme. On 15 March I weighed 64 kilos. I had a target weight in my head, I was obsessed with the scale. 

After two weeks of the reset, I had a relapse and couldn't stay off the sugar. It didn't do me any good physically or mentally. Femke was there to support me and gave me hope and above all motivation not to give up. I carried on and two weeks later things went seriously wrong, a binge and then a stomach ache. And again Femke was there to make me keep going. Three times is a charm... Attempt 3 succeeded, Femke kept a close eye on me and coached me towards success. I didn't reach my target weight, but I did achieve liberation from my sugar addiction and my obsession with the scale. My self-confidence increased and so did my energy level. After the programme, I had developed a new lifestyle. I don't care about sugar anymore, nor have I eaten any fast food for 4 months now. I eat a lot more than before the coaching programme, but the right things that are good for me. I look in the mirror with pride, for the first time in 20 years. I am not afraid to eat anymore, I don't have a constant fight. If I see sugar, I can look at it without the urge to eat it. It is so nice to not feel that urge anymore and not having to fight it. At the moment I weigh 58 kg. I weigh myself once every fortnight. The number on the scale has no influence on me anymore. 

Without Femke's guidance I wouldn't have succeeded. I would have given up again. Femke constantly triggered my intrinsic motivation, which kept me going.  A coach who is very involved and knows what she is talking about.

Tanja Schrijnemakers, The Netherlands

Life in Balance - Balance in Life - is what I realised I was lacking while I did a 3 month coaching session with Femke. I signed up with Femke thinking that I was going to get some help with finding balance with eating and feeding my family. However I got so much more than just help with food. It was so refreshing being able to talk to someone who was always open and honest with me and could relate to a lot of my challenges because she had experienced something similar. She’s given me many tools to work with which really help. I’m not so hard on myself and when I hear her voice in my head I focus on the positive as much as possible and change my focus.  I highly recommend Femke. She’s very intuitive and on point. 

Suzanne, The Netherlands

My coaching with Femke


You grow up, you develop, you achieve so much. Are you aware of all the things you can do and have done? Are you aware of all the things you did not learn at school, could not learn there? Are you aware that every realisation has its own individual time?

The human brain is designed to store negative experiences better than positive ones. A few evolutionary stages earlier, this was absolutely essential for survival. 

Now, here and today, it is (was) relevant for me to learn to think positively, become more aware of my positive development steps and be able to let go and change my mindset.

I was and am ready for it!

I cannot tell you what coaching is exactly, because it is incredibly individual. I can only describe my experiences here. Only I know my story, my wishes, goals and needs. Femke helped me to become more aware of this. Together with me she mapped out my path to achieve some of these goals. Femke helped me to get to know myself better. Everyone carries their baggage. I promise you that it will become lighter. It is a long and intense road, but it is worth it! You will learn so much and achieve your goals. Your goals will change in part because you will change. And in your totality, everything will become more positive and it will become more.

Where was I?

My discomfort was already clear to me. But it was very undifferentiated and unconscious. Unconscious? Why? I viewed pain, feelings, negative events and thoughts very separately from each other. As if they were not all united and intertwined in me. My relationship with food was disturbed, I slept badly and wanted to control things that I could not and should not want to control. I didn't even know that I was trying to control them, that I could not control them at all and that it was better if I did not. I had mild to moderate inflammatory pain every morning and accepted it as normal. My negative beliefs were my creed in everyday life and I was not depressed. It was just the way it was and I learned to accept it that way. I don't do that any more!


What have I learned personally?

I have learned methods of letting go. I understand my body and especially my gut better. I am more aware of the healing effects of a change in attitude. I know that I should and may stand up for my needs peacefully and kindly. I have learned to drink water (yes, I used to be a passionate non-drinker). I know new, tasty and healthy recipes. I have developed new habits. I got to know myself better.

I know now that food can make me happy. Not happy because I am satisfying an addiction and think for a moment: yes, delicious. But physically, hormonally happy and satisfied.

I now know that I can decide many things, but I cannot control them.

I decide how I spend my time!

What I allow, I decide! 

That I put myself first and that is not selfish, I decide! 

I know now that I can learn gratitude and how content it makes me. 

I know now that I am not my story. I am not what happens!


I got to learn all this. I have to keep actively making myself aware of it and keep practicing and internalising it. A lot of it is still hard work for me. Much of it is already going very well and I am still looking forward to the many things I can and will learn!

Finally all that remains for me to say is: Thank you Femke! Thank you that I have learned to thank myself, to forgive myself and to help myself. I also want to thank myself for having the courage to start on this path (I am far from finished 😊), for having the courage to be honest and open and for looking forward to a future where I will be the best version of myself every day and continue on this path. 

It is wise to start this journey with an amazing and empathic woman like Femke! Have the courage to get to know yourself better and achieve your goals. You deserve it!

Jasmin, Germany

I came across Femke on Instagram. She is a super spontaneous and sweet woman who knows what she is talking about. 

You really start at the basis. She explains things calmly and substantiates everything. 

No difficult dishes and ingredients, so easy to shop for too. 


I am chronically ill and her tips and ideas on nutrition have made me feel much better about myself! 

I also followed a cleansing programme with her and haven't had any stomach aches since. Really great! 

Highly recommend working with Femke! 

Anouck, The Netherlands

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a self-aware person. Unfortunately, in my teenage years, I became very self-conscious and insecure. I started believing that the young lady I was mentally and physically turning into was not good enough. This caused me to struggle with my body image for a very long time. Eventually, my negative image of myself affected my confident, social, and easygoing personality. This is when I decided it was time to do something about it. However, the methods I tried were unhealthy and unsustainable. 


During this period, I met Femke through a family friend. I also started following her on Instagram. Her content is genuine! Tips, tricks, and habits everyone, who wants to improve their lifestyle, could adapt. 


Since starting coaching with Femke, it has encouraged me to set workable, tangible and realistic goals for myself. In doing so, I don’t set myself up for failure. Instead, I celebrate all my positive outcomes, both big and small. I see her coaching as a toolbox. I started with an empty toolbox. Every session I gain more tools. The tools symbolise the lessons I've learnt. I’m now able to use each tool when it’s needed, because I know how and when to use it. 

Fleur, The Netherlands

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