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Writer's pictureFemke Wamelink

Summery abundance!

Have you also enjoyed the summer to its fullest?

With an abundance of sunshine, good food and drinks and allowing yourself to just let go. Letting go is important. It usually brings you back to yourself and gives you new energy and inspiration, so that you can continue in your old pattern.

However, it is often the case that the eating habits, and frequently also the alcohol consumption, of the holiday period are maintained.

Then it is not only what you ate and drank during the holiday that causes you to gain weight and feel unwell after a while, but also the fact that this has unconsciously become a habit.

It is not always easy to let go of something and develop new habits. Yet it is possible and often necessary to do so step by step. Especially if you want to change and feel more energetic, fitter and healthier.

It's not really about what you ate and drank during the summer holidays, but more about what you do for the rest of the year.

Do you manage to find a good balance and eat in such a way that you really feel that your food is healing your body? Or have you been gaining weight unnoticed every year? Have your joints become more sensitive over time? Do you secretly know that you really need to change, because if you continue like this, you will not be happier with yourself?

I have felt this way for years. I didn't even dare to wear a bikini, I was so ashamed of myself and my body. After every holiday, I promised myself to change course and take better care of myself. I would leave out absolutely everything. I would eat a plate of salad, an apple and a light meal in the evening and I would keep this up for about 3 days. And then I would go overboard and stuff myself. I told myself that the summer was over anyway and that I could go back to hiding in my thick, warm clothes.

That is no way to live. And it's really not necessary.

Now I know that at the time I focused too much on what I was not allowed to eat. That is a very bad starting point. This is what I hear from most people who want to change, but do not dare to do so. They are afraid of what they will have to give up.

Even though they really want to go in a new direction, they still hold on to the old pattern. It feels safer than something they don't know yet. The fear of the unknown and the lack of confidence in themselves keeps them from taking action because they focus their attention on what they have to give up. That is a great pity.

Therefore, a new mindset is crucial for long-term success!

How would you feel and what would it bring you to become the person you really want to be? What would you look like, how would you feel, what would the new you do? By starting to live in that state of mind and taking action, you will get the right motivation and the perseverance you need to go all the way.

This way, you will face next summer with an abundance of confidence.

If you need support, tips and professional nutritional advice, please take a look at my coaching programmes

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