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Writer's pictureFemke Wamelink


Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Twice a year, I consciously choose to do a detoxification cleanse. In spring and as soon as autumn starts. So that's now. With the most brightly coloured vegetable juices and soups and certain salads, I bring back the healthy balance in my body and help prevent disease.

Why is it wise to opt for a special cleanse, when basically your body already naturally detoxifies every day (and night)? It is indeed true that our body has the capacity for self-cleansing and self-healing. Our detoxification organs, such as the liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin, are constantly active to remove harmful substances and unwanted elements from our system. These harmful substances are found in alcohol, products for smoking, pesticides, cleaning products, laundry detergents, cookware, paints, cosmetics, etc.

With our current lifestyle and society, we come more and more into contact with processed foods, stress, medications and environmental pollution. When the body can no longer excrete these excess toxins itself and there are not enough antioxidants present, the waste is stored in subcutaneous connective tissue or fatty tissue, for instance. This has a hugely negative impact on our well-being and body. It is therefore wise to give our bodies an extra boost, through a detoxification cleanse.

Apart from cleansing, other positive things happen when you do such a cleanse. Namely, you will find that you get rid of unwanted belly fat faster, as your body switches from carbohydrate metabolisation to fat burning. This is extremely positive and promotes both physical and mental well-being.

Another, very beneficial, side effect is that specific regimens allow you to mimic fasting, so to speak. In fasting, you take in fewer calories and eat over a shorter period of time, which creates autophagy. This is the process in which your body cleans up waste and eliminates pathogens or foreign substances that have entered the cell. It renews and rejuvenates the cells and also strengthens your immune system.

So a detox is definitely recommended. In addition, it is a super good kick-start to lose some weight. If you are planning to adjust your lifestyle so that you will achieve long-term results in terms of health and well-being, I definitely recommend considering a cleanse.

However, never just start a detox on your own and without adequate preparation. It can end well, but it can also very definitely lead to serious concerns if you don't know exactly what you are doing. Stay away from fruit juices and regimens you can order online. This is because they generally contain too many sugars and not always the nutrients your body needs to properly sustain a cleanse. However, there are many different types of detoxification regimens and it is therefore highly recommendable to get thorough advice from an expert.

Would you also like to feel more energetic, think more clearly, boost your fat burning, improve your bowel movements, get rid of bloating, lose some weight, improve menstrual or (peri-)menopause symptoms, feel less tired, improve your skin and strengthen your immune system? Then contact me for professional guidance. Together, we will see which detox best suits you and your lifestyle. I will also give you recipes for the juices, soups and salads that will provide you with the vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) your body needs, so that you will feel powerful during the detox period and afterwards.

Preparing a detox soup

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